
Divine Attributes: Knowing the Covenantal God of Scripture is unavailable, but you can change that!

This book offers a clear and constructive account of the nature and attributes of God. It addresses the doctrine of God from exegetical, historical, and constructive-theological perspectives, bringing the biblical portrayal of God in relationship to the world into dialogue with prominent philosophical and theological questions. The book engages questions such as: Does God change? Does God have...

independence, and one-sided activity or power,” process theology advocates a nearly reverse image of strict classical theism, typically denying what strict classical theism affirms and affirming what it denies.11 Whereas the God of strict classical theism is utterly transcendent, the God of process theology is nearly entirely immanent. A form of panentheism (literally “all in God”), process theology maintains that the world (the physical universe) is in God such that God cannot exist without some
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